Committed to you!
Lynne Baker RGN at Calla

When it comes to your appearance, you deserve the best care that money can buy. Welcome to Calla, a certified Beauty Treatment Clinic, providing professional, safe and personalised services. If you’re looking for the best solutions for your aesthetic concerns - you’ve come to the right place! Give us a call today on 07901 506665 and book a complimentary consultation meeting.
We offer all manner of beauty treatments, including facials, manicures, pedicures, electrolysis, Brazilian wax, and ear wax removal.

Using the Tympahealth system we can carry out safe and effective microsuction treatments to remove ear wax, foreign objects, and to provide hearing assessments. We will provide you with a photo and video of your ear canal and, our team of audiologists and ENT surgeons reviewers will provide you with next step details if required.