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Professional Qualifications
Lynne holds professional qualifications awarded by the following bodies:
English National Board of Nursing - Registered General Nurse
English National Board of Nursing - Operating Department Nursing
CIBTAC - Aromatherapy
Axiom Bodyworks - Male Intimate Waxing
Salon Systems - Professional Warm Waxing
Salon Systems - Professional Eyelash/Eyebrow Enhancement - Tint & Shape
Salon Systems - Professional Eyelash Perming Technique
Salon Systems - Professional Advanced Hot Waxing
Creative Nail Design - Finger Nails Naturally
Creative Nail Design - Toe Nails Naturally
Creative Nail Design - CreativeSpa Manicure
Creative Nail Design - Raw Earth Pedicure
SwissDermyl - Advanced Facials
Fake Bake Manually Applied Tan Expert
Fake Bake Spray Tan Expert
London Therapists - Indian Head Massage Practitioner's Diploma
VTCT - Cosmetic Makeup Certificate Level 2
VTCT - Fashion and Photographic Makeup Certificate Level 2
VTCT - VR05 Provide Facial Massage and skin care
VTCT - Level 3 Diploma in Health, Safety, Security and Employment Standards (500/1048/7)
Spiezia Organics Spa - Relax into Radiance
City & Guilds 9102 Photography
Royal Photographic Society - Licentiate
First Aid International - Emergency Aid and Appointed Persons
VTCT - Level 2 Diploma in Threading Depilation
Carlton Institute - Hopi Ear Candling (Thermo-Auricular Therapy)
VTCT Level 3 - Facial Electro-Therapy
Novita Dual Paramedical Microdermabrasion
Novita Professional Skin Peels
City and Guilds - Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS)
GMT Training - Removal of Facial Telangiectasia and Skin Tags
CIBTAC - Electrical Epilation (Honours)
CIBTAC - Blend Epilation (Honours)
You can be treated with confidence as Lynne is proud to be fully insured with BABTAC (The British Association of Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology). Her membership number is 274790 and you can find her details on the BABTAC website:
Calla is also a member of the Federation of Small Businesses.
You can read more about the FSB here.